We are looking forward to welcoming The Pigeon’s Nest to The Fairy Tale Fair! We know she has followed and been a fan of the fair for a long time now, so its great to have her as one of our lovely stall holders! Find out all about her creations…
Tell us a bit about you and what you do/ make….
I’m Rebecca and I crochet and sew my little fingers off making lots of lovely creatures and gifts for others to love and treasure. I live in my little nest with my husband and dog, Chekhov. My shop name has come out of a college nickname (due to wearing a lot of grey and picking at anything that resembles food) and it made sense to focus my hooks and needles on creating birds and beasts!
How long have you been making your craft items?
I am currently in my 2nd year of crocheting. I taught myself through Youtube! I have been sewing on and off since I hit my teens. My dad is great with a needle and thread.
Do you have a best seller? If so what is it? And do you have some special festive items planned to sell?
My Robin Red-Breasts always do very well at Christmas, and their cousins the Love Birds do really well all year round. I have quite a few festive bits and bobs this year, including crochet Christmas baubles and Christmas Puds!
What do you enjoy most about your craft?
I love the fact it is portable. I do it on my lunch hour at ‘The Real Job’, I’ve taken it on flights, on long car journeys, to friend’s houses…. I have even taken it to the pub when I was overrun with Christmas orders last year!
Do you take part in other craft events (fairs, open houses, markets etc…)?
I do! I have 8 or 9 fairs booked up for the Christmas season in West Sussex and Brighton & Hove. I will be popping a post up on my blog soon detailing them all!
What are your plans/ ambitions for the future? Or have you already achieved them?
My dream would be to run The Pigeon’s Nest as a full time job. Every purchase is a small step towards that goal and I truly appreciate every person who has bought from me since I opened.
Sum up what Christmas is to you in 5 words or less!:
The perfect excuse for more puddings!
Any other comments you wish to make:
So excited to be taking part in FairyTale Fair this November. I will have to keep my hands in my pockets as not to spend all my cash on others fabulous crafts!
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[…] I am over at The Fairy Tale Fair’s blog today talking all about my little business in preparation for the fair on the 16th of November down in Brighton. […]