We’re excited to announce that we were asked to be the guest speaker on the first ever episode of our Brighton Etsy podcast, which is now LIVE on Spotify and Apple music! Now more than ever we wanted to share something positive and…
We’re excited to announce that we were asked to be the guest speaker on the first ever episode of our Brighton Etsy podcast, which is now LIVE on Spotify and Apple music! Now more than ever we wanted to share something positive and…
We are super excited to have Brighton Style Magazine as one of our summer fair sponsors. We’ve admired their content for a while now, and they are great at promoting local small businesses – which we love too! Find out…
We are pleased to introduce Just Daydreaming. This site features products for sale by many makers who take part in The Fairy Tale Fair. We are often asked by fans of the fair if they can buy from our talented sellers…
We are super excited to announce The Fairy Tale Fair has been chosen as one of the 100 profiled businesses for Small Business Saturday UK! Small Business Saturday is a grass-roots, non-political, non-commercial campaign that supports, inspires and promotes small…
Join us this Christmas at the newly regenerated Brighton Open Market for lots of festive fun! With permanent shops and cafés too, you’ll find something for everyone at Brighton Open Market! On Sunday 8th December 2019 The Fairy Tale…
Have you heard we now have a little app? You can now download it and have conveniently on your phone and easily access our site, email, facebook, twitter feed, and contact details. No need to go searching for anything again!…
The flyers for our Christmas fair are now released! They have a new look and we hope you like them! 5,000 of them will be across Brighton over the next couple of months! Please share everywhere you can!
Today we say hello to Claire of Cat-a-Cake Creations, who is also our fair organsier! Claire creates whimsical themed laser cut jewellery, greeting cards and accessories which fit perfectly with the fairs theme… “Visitors to our fair seem to stay…
Today we hear from our fair organiser, Claire Montgomery. Claire will also have a stall at the fair and will be selling under the name of Cat-a-Cake Creations. Find out a bit more about her… “Visitors to our fair seem…
The fairies are busy preparing for the Spring Fairy Tale Fair! Applications are now closed, however you can email us if you want to be added to our mailing list for future fairs or in case of cancelations. We had…
We are super proud that our blog has now had over 20,000 views! We only launched in May last year and your response and interest has been amazing! As just announced our third fair is coming up this Spring- Saturday…
We have had a first lot of photos back from Kate Trevor Photography. See them all in our album on Facebook here.
Yay! Our blog has now had over 17,000 views- not too long to 20,000 now! Not bad since May alone. Even though our latest fair is over please keep visiting our blog- we will have lots of photos from the…
Well after months of preparations, planning, making, and flyering the day is finally here! The Fairy Tale Fair opens at 10.30am! Come along for handmade crafts, jewellery, festive gifts, workshops for all ages, face painting, beauty, vintage items, and enjoy…
Today we have a guest post from the popular Ultimate Wedding Magazine, who will be visiting our fair on the 24th November. Find out more about them and their exciting magazine… Tell us a bit about Ultimate Wedding Magazine? Ultimate…
It was only a week or so ago we posted about reaching 10,000 views on our blog, well we have already hit 11,000 now! Which is super! Thanks to all those that have taken to time to look and we…
Our blog has now had over 10,000 views! That is amazing and more then we would of ever hoped for! Thanks for everyones continued interest in the fair, and we hope that many of you can visit our next fair…
After the success of our 1st fair in August this year we are back for a festive special this winter (if you haven’t already heard)! Next fair is Saturday 24th November 2012- save the date, its going to be magical!…
Who has seen us listed in the ‘Top 10 Events Not to Miss This Week’ in the Argus, Brighton’s biggest newspaper! We are very excited and honored to have our event listed out of all those happening in Sussex this…
Remember everyone today is the last chance to enter our competition to WIN a very special ‘Buddy the Cat’ necklace! Simply follow us on Twitter, become a fan on Facebook or RT/Share our competition to enter! But be quick…
Some exciting news- Printed.com are coming down to Brighton to film at our fair! Printed.com provide high quality digital printing for a range of products including greetings cards, stickers, presentation folders, posters, business cards and more! A few months ago…
Our flyers have now been printed, so keep an eye out for them across Brighton! Remember we are also on Facebook and Twitter!
The fairies have been busy spreading the word about The Fairy Tale Fair- we are listed on many local sites including Friday Ad, Gumtree and Events in Brighton. See our event on Events in Brighton here. We will also soon…
Our blog has now had over 1,000 views- not bad in 2 weeks! Thanks to all those who have taken an interest in the fair. Keep an eye out for all our ‘Say Hello To…’ posts over the next few…