Today we welcome back Amanda who joins us at Worthing Charmandean on 2nd December. Find out more…
Please introduce yourself and your brand….
Hi there! My name is Amanda and I’m a crafting addict! I had to come up with a name very quickly some years ago, Artee Phartee was born…….
How would you describe your style and your creations?
My style comes from everywhere as I travel the world for a living…….the crafting in the states is mad and I get lots of ideas from there……those craft stores!!
What do you enjoy most about your work?
I absolutely love it when a customer buys a piece of my work, it makes me so proud that someone likes what I produce.
What can we expect to find on your stall at So This is Christmas in aid of St Barnabas on Sunday 2nd December? And are you looking forward to taking part?
This will be my third So This Is Christmas fair and I love the fact that we are all benefiting such a necessary and worthy cause……..there will be new glassware for the gin lovers, as well as the regular champagne and wine glasses and lots more unique Elf and fairy doors…….shabby chic painted glassware too for the country style lovers out there. I love doing this particular event as the atmosphere is magical and for me, it’s the start of the Christmas countdown!
Do you have a best seller?
Last year my fairy doors were very popular and as each one is individual, I’m hoping they will be loved again this year!
Do you have any plans or ambitions for the future?
When I give up flying, I would love a small vintage style tearooms where I can teach crafting techniques whilst sipping earl grey and eating cake! Bliss on a vintage china plate!
Do you have a motto or inspirational quote?
Go with it, give it a go, believe in what you create……..
Describe your Christmas in 3 words…..
Quiet, family, creative………
How can we find out more about you?