Today we meet Marilyn Pelling who joins us this Sunday at Worthing Charmandean…
Please introduce yourself and your brand….
My name is Marilyn Pelling and I’m the maker of Teddy Bears and Cloth Dolls.
How would you describe your style and your creations?
My style is fairly traditional for the Bears and also for most of the Dolls, but I have also made some quite quirky bears in the past such as punks and bikers. Most of the traditional Bears have hand knitted outfits made by myself and the dolls are dressed in hand made fabric outfits.
What do you enjoy most about your work?
I enjoy the creative process of making bears and dolls from the start through designing and pattern cutting to adding the real personal touches which make the bears and dolls truly come alive.
What can we expect to find on your stall at So This is Christmas Worthing on Sunday 1st December? And are you looking forward to taking part?
You can expect to find lots of different bears in a range of different sizes, with prices to suit all pockets. There will also be a selection of cloth dolls. I am very much looking
Forward to taking part in the This is Christmas Fair Worthing again, it always signifies the start of Christmas!
Do you have a best seller?
I always find that the Bears are very popular,
Do you have any plans or ambitions for the future?
I am hoping to expand my range of Bears and to produce some more quirky ones.
Do you have a motto or inspirational quote?
Just to always enjoy making my Bears and Dolls to the best of my ability.
Describe your Christmas in 3 words…
Magical, happy, memorable.
How can we find out more about you?
You can find me on Facebook: