Today we’re pleased to introduce Sussex Bee Farm, who you can meet tomorrow, Saturday 17th March, at Worthing Charmandean.
Please introduce yourself and your brand….
Sussex Bee Farm is based in Worthing and has hives across the county. We’ve worked around the world as beekeepers from the Caribbean to New Zealand but we’re passionate that the Sussex honey our bees produce is the best there is!
What do you enjoy most about your work?
Seriously Fairytale Fair, you have to ask? We’re outside in the glorious Sussex countryside everyday working with millions of the most extraordinary creatures. Its not work, its a privilege.
What can we expect to find on your stall at The Fairy Tale Fair Easter Special in aid of St Barnabas at Worthing Charmandean on Saturday 17th March? And are you looking forward to taking part?
Local runny and soft set honey. Its Raw honey which means it hasn’t been processed and messed about with like supermarket honey. It still contains the pollen particles and enzymes which is what makes it such a great ‘super food’. Its straight from the hive.
Do you have a best seller?
The soft set honey is as smooth as butter, its divine on toast.
Do you have any plans or ambitions for the future?
We try, but the bees are in charge and they don’t like to follow plans!
Do you have a motto or inspirational quote?
Bee Farming is tough unforgiving work and we put every last bit of energy we have into it. We’ve sold homes and work other jobs too to follow our passion for honey bees. On the rough days you question your sanity “why would anyone work 15 hours a day in a hot bee suit to get stung by the ungrateful little…?” haha.
But then you notice a bee doing a ‘waggle dance’ or maybe some bees feeding the Queen and you remember why you do this. Because they are amazing and we need them. You tell yourself “I didn’t come this far to only come this far”.
What part of Easter do you enjoy the most?
Easter & Spring time have a real sense of excitement and anticipation for us because its the start of the new beekeeping season! The bees will be happy the cold weather is behind us and they can get out and about foraging for pollen and early nectar from plants like the beautiful cherry blossoms.
How can we find out more about you?