We’re pleased to welcome Clare Arent Ceramics who will join us this Sunday 3rd December at Worthing Charmandean. Find out more…
Please introduce yourself and your brand…
My name is Clare Arent and I sell under Clare Arent Ceramics, I have been making ceramics now for over twenty years under the guidance of a very talented ceramicist. I have recently given up my job of over twenty years to peruse my love of all things clay.
How would you describe your style and your creations?
My style I feel is still evolving although most of it is based upon my love of all things from nature particularly flowers,leaves, ferns, birds and the seaside. Everything I make is either hand built, hand thrown or hand cut they all hand painted so every item is unique.
What do you enjoy most about your work?
I love the freedom to express myself and work independently and love the painting on ceramics. Just don’t ask me for two identical items. Meeting new customers who love my pots!
What can we expect to find on your stall at So This is Christmas in aid of St Barnabas on Sunday 3rd December? And are you looking forward to taking part?
I will be bringing along lots of Christmas decorations, baby Chino mugs/espresso mugs, vases with flowers on, bowls, jugs, aprons and lots more just come along and meet me !
Do you have a best seller?
My best selling is my flower imprinted vases, they are so tactile!
Do you have any plans or ambitions for the future?
Just to carry on what I love doing!
Do you have a motto or inspirational quote?
Carpe Diem – it’s later than we think!
Describe your Christmas in 3 words…
Family, laughter, love.
How can we find out more about you?