Something for the weekend? Today we say hello to the lovely Cheska of Mooshpie. Cheska visited our first fair and we can’t wait for her to take part in our Christmas one in two weeks time! Find out more about her and her creations below…
“I’ve always enjoyed making things for gifts for loved ones, creating a truly unique item. There’s nothing like going into my shed on a crisp weekend morning and printing up a storm…”- Cheska, Mooshpie
Tell us a bit about you and what you do/ make….
Hello I’m mooshpie an illustrating, screen printing, bookbinding, cake baking whirlwind.
I make lots of lovely treats for you and for your home. From screen printed shoppers to dainty wall hangings. Everything I sell is designed and created by me in my lovely shed!
I did Fine Art printmaking as a degree about 10 years ago and love a bit of screen print and etching action. i also dabble in animation and have studied book binding.
My fondest piece of equipment is my trusty Gocco( a Japanese mini screen printing machine) this is what i use to create my cards!
I also bake rather a lot too, though that’s more of a hobby.
How would you describe your style?
I’m inspired by many things from folklore, woodland animals – in knitware, japanese shrines, 19th fairytale prints and books, quintessential British home decor- think doilies and net curtains, small wooden buildings and of course my shed.
This all translates into giving my pieces a dark and whimsical style.
How long have you been making your craft items?
i’ve been making things for friends and family for a long long time. Mooshpie kind of grew from that starting off as a place to showcase my lastest doings to being my job.
I’ve worked on some exciting projects including a comic and illustrations for the white night festival in October 2010. To recently designing a range of illustrations for Wedding In A Teacup an online boutique selling “an array of handmade items and fabulous finds to help you create your own unique and beautiful wedding day”.
Do you have a best seller? If so what is it?
I just had my first craft fair at the Makers Boutique on the 3rd of November.
My Tea towels sold really well there!
What do you enjoy most about your craft?
I’ve always enjoyed making things for gifts for loved ones, creating a truly unique item. There’s nothing like going into my shed on a crisp weekend morning and printing up a storm.
Do you take part in other craft events (fairs, open houses, markets etc…)?
I did my first fair (for couple of years- had the minimooshpie inbetween then) at the Makers Boutique on the 3rd November I will also be selling at Craftaganza on the 8th and 9th December
What items and festive gifts will you be selling at The Fairy Tale Fair?
I will be selling dainty wall hangings, hand printed cards, screen printed tea towels and shoppers, screen printed Christmas wrapping paper, hand bound journals and some hand printed baubles.
What are your plans/ ambitions for the future? Or have you already achieved them?
I really need to get my online shop sorted out to thats my most pressing plan for the close future, I’ve also got an old Adana printing press thats crying out for some print attention, so will be trying that out soon.
As for mooshpie’s future, lots more fairs in 2013, more exciting products and lots more cake too.
Find out more:
We can’t wait to see Mooshpie at the fair on the 24th, lots of festive gifts beautifully screenprinted with love!