In our latest interview we say hello to Patricia Palmer. Although Patricia has many years experience in textiles having taught it at Patcham High School, The Fairy Tale Fair is her first craft fair! She is a little nervous as to what people will make of her work but we know people will love her creations! Read on to find out more about her…
“I still get a real kick from pulling lots of little bits and pieces together and making something pretty but useable…”– Patricia Palmer
Tell us a bit about you and what you do/ make….
I taught Textile Art for many years at the local Secondary School and loved to incorporate hand and machine embroidery, beading, fabric printing, knitting and patchwork into my lessons whenever I could.
How would you describe your style?
I prefer to work small and use eye catching coloured fabrics, embroidery, beads and sequins. Everything I make has to have a practical use as well as looking glitzy or pretty or both!
How long have you been making your craft items?
Even after taking early retirement a couple of years ago the urge to sew continued so I started to make items for friends and as gifts. Then I visited the” Fairy Tale Fair” and here I am!
Do you have a best seller? If so what is it?
Not yet, but I hope too – possibly the Lady Gaga Peg Dolls or the Fabric Pin Badges or maybe the Knitted Cacti!
What do you enjoy most about your craft?
I still get a real kick from pulling lots of little bits and pieces together and making something pretty but useable – it’s so relaxing but rewarding at the same time. You can’t beat it!
Do you take part in other craft events (fairs, open houses, markets etc…)?
No this is my first. I am a craft fair virgin.
What items and festive gifts will you be selling at The Fairy Tale Fair?
Fabric Christmas Tree Decorations that drip with beads, sequins and golden threads, Children’s Fabric Animals Badges which are padded and embroidered with little faces, Crazy Peg Dollies which look like something between a fairy and Lady Gaga and Book Worms for their stockings, Embellished Needle Cases, Patchwork Pin Cushions and a large range of Knitted Cacti for the ladies and gents.
What are your plans/ ambitions for the future? Or have you already achieved them?
I hope people like my work as I would be happy to do more and share my skills with others.
Any other comments you wish to make:
I am looking forward to the Fair but also feel a little anxious as to how my work will be received – only time will tell!