Today we welcome back George of Polka Dot Cloud. We love her quirky, colourful characters! Find out more…
“The Fairy Tale Fair was such a lovely experience, everyone is so friendly and what is particularly nice is that everyone share the same love and passion for craft and making, its simply a wonderful experience to share that with others…”– George, Polka Dot Cloud
Tell us a bit about you and what you do/ make….
My names George, I teach Fashion, textiles and costume during the day, and make magical characters in the evenings, Polka Dot Cloud was created from an accumulation of daydreams and make believe stories. The characters are quirky and celebrate their usual naive appearances. Made up from remnants of fabrics, I like to think of them supporting sustainability within the land of fabrics as well…
How would you describe your style?
Quirky, odd, magical, whimsical, make-believe coming to life with a huge imagination.
How long have you been making your craft items?
About a year and a half properly now, I began when my little girl ruby was first born, but went into teaching so that kind of got slightly railroaded with paperwork! But now the dust has settled a bit, I’ve had more time to give my little make believe land the time and attention it deserves!
Do you have a best seller? If so what is it?
The lollipop heads are quite popular, Bunny and the peculiar creatures are very popular and Cecil and Cecilia the story telling cats {finger puppets} have grown to be very popular amongst mini people with huge imaginations!
What do you enjoy most about your craft?
I love being able to create the ideas that op into my head, since my MA , my style of creativity always veered here and there and everything in everyday life intrigued and inspired me. But it has matured well and been fine-tuned. I find the most exhilarating elements for me, are sketching the idea, creating the character in 2D designs, and then bringing them to life. Pattern cutting as an absolute first love for me, so this is an aspect I really enjoy about my creative process.
Do you take part in other craft events (fairs, open houses, markets etc.…)?
I do local fetes and fairs at Ruby’s school, and Makers Boutique, I also do stalls at The Sallis Benny theatre in Brighton Uni and art Junky
What are your plans/ ambitions for the future? Or have you already achieved them?
Oooh I have so many plans, they are scribbled down in sketchbooks and notebooks scattered all over my house! My main plans for the future are to really grow Polka Dot cloud with lots of love and inspiration form everyday life, I have some big plans and developments that are being worked on at the moment in time for Autumn and Christmas, but they are still at prototype stage, so I won’t jinx myself just yet!
You have previously taken part in The Fairy Tale Fair. Did you enjoy the day?
Yes I have and yes I certainly did! It was such a lovely experience, everyone is so friendly and what is particularly nice is that everyone share the same love and passion for craft and making, its simply a wonderful experience to share that with others. The face painting was incredible as well; my only regret was not having time to get my face painted!
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