Today we meet The Silvery who you can meet this Saturday 17th March at our Worthing Fair. Find out more…
Please introduce yourself and your brand….
Hi there, my name is Jules and I spend my days covering all sorts of things in silver! I use a process called electroforming to do this, which is basically the method of laying down copper plating on to non-metallic items, and then on top of that precious metals like silver and gold can be added. I trade under the name of The Silvery as this is the name I came up with for where one might take things get silver put on them. I have been doing this for over 10 years now and can’t imagine ever doing anything else.
How would you describe your style and your creations?
My style is very simple and pared down. My favourite things to coat are natural objects like seashells, leaves, feathers and seeds and I am always aiming to achieve a look of the item being captured using alchemy, as if it has literally been turned to silver. I would like the beauty of the natural object to be the focal point of each piece.
What do you enjoy most about your work?
Ooh so many things! I love working with my hands all day and I love having every excuse to go out into the countryside or to the beach to forage for lovely things to coat in silver, out in nature is my favourite place to be. I love it when I find ways to develop what I can do to coat ever more delicate and complex things. I think my absolute favourite thing though is when people bring me their own special things to have them coated in silver and turned into a totally bespoke piece of jewellery or ornament, and I love that my methods mean I can keep my prices very reasonable for something so special. Items do not have to be organic, they can be paper (origami is quite popular!), lace, plastic, fabric etc.
What can we expect to find on your stall at The Fairy Tale Fair Easter Special in aid of St Barnabas at Worthing Charmandean on Saturday 17th March? And are you looking forward to taking part?
I am looking forward to this event so much, I love crafts fairs anyway but at this one in particular there are so many brilliant makers attending with their work and all sorts of things happening throughout the day, it sounds like loads of fun! I will be bringing a varied assortment of jewellery with me, mainly necklaces in various styles but also earrings, brooches and bracelets.
Do you have a best seller?
At the moment my two best sellers look remarkably similar in spite of being very different, they are the tiny native British cowrie shell necklace that so many people remember collecting on their childhood holidays in the UK, and also the coffee bean necklace – because we all know a coffee addict or two who will appreciate this one! Other top sellers include the acorns, mussel shells, feathers and sycamore seeds.
Do you have any plans or ambitions for the future?
Aside from continuing to make things silvery and especially to make special bespoke commissions for people I hope to get out on the road to more events further afield. I would also like make some tiaras, crowns and more theatrical head pieces that I have some ideas for, some fancy things that are the complete opposite to my usual style. I also am working on designs for memento mori commemorative jewellery that can have loved ones ashes encapsulated in them. So many idea, not enough time!
Do you have a motto or inspirational quote?
When you don’t know what to do, do the kind thing. It will always be the right thing.
What part of Easter do you enjoy the most?
Well aside from the chocolate, I love the sense of new life and energy and seeing the world start to turn green again, I always feel excited and inspired at this time of year!
How can we find out more about you?