In the first of our Christmas 2018 sponsor interviews we welcome Rich who runs Clubbercise® classes across Brighton, including one at Patcham High just opposite our fair venue. Find out more…
Tell us a bit about what Clubbercise is and how we can get involved…
Clubbercise® classes are a true ‘experience’ and exercise in disguise – not your regular boring gym class . They are taught in a darkened room with lasers lights, LED glow sticks and banging old and new club anthems. A fusion of dance, toning and combat moves with high/low impact options for all fitness levels, one class burns around 600 calories. It’s fun , friendly and effective. All levels are welcome including beginners.
What do you enjoy most running your Clubbercise groups?
Every class feels like a night out (with no heels or hangover!) There’s a true sense of family, support and pure joy in my classes . People comment how welcoming , friendly and enjoyable the workout is. The music and club classics are SO GOOD time flies and before you know it you’ve exercised for 45 minutes and burned 100’s of calories!
What’s your biggest achievement with Clubbercise so far?
I’ve witnessed clients drop 3 or 4 sizes and shed 3 stone and clubbercise has literally changed their lives ! So many clubbers come to me with positively transformed mental health and emotional well being too. You get addicted to the ‘happy high’ the music creates and my clients have made friendships for life! We’ve also raised £1000’s for numerous charities and the local community over the years.
Thank you for choosing to support The Fairy Tale Fair at Patcham this Christmas. Are you looking forward to the fair on November 17th?
It’s such a great idea and my pleasure to support such a fantastic cause.
What does the future hold for Clubbercise with Rich?
We’ll continue to keep ‘glowing’ hard and pushing physical, mental and emotional boundaries. Classes get bigger, better and more inspirational year on year.
Do you have a motto or inspirational quote?
“Clubbercise is exercise in disguise. No heels , no hangovers just clean clubbing . Come and get your natural high on the happy vibe!”
How can we find out more and book a class?
Class details / to book: