Today we’re pleased to introduce Duke of Yorks & Dukes at Komedia as one of our May Brighton Fringe fair sponsors. We’re sure lots of you are already familiar with their popular cinemas and we find out a little more about them, their history and why Brighton loves them so much…
Could you tell us a bit about Duke of Yorks and Dukes at Komedia? What makes them unique and so popular?
The Duke of York’s Picturehouse has been recognised as the oldest function-built, continually operational cinema in the UK. Founded in 1910, the Duke’s has a history as rich and variegated as cinema itself. Sister cinema Duke’s at Komedia is the younger of the two, celebrating its 5th birthday this year, and is located in the vibrant North Laine. Both cinemas are part of the Picturehouse network of arthouse cinemas. We pride ourselves on showing an eclectic range of film from foreign language cinema, to Hollywood blockbusters, to cult classics, and silent movies with lives scores.
What do you enjoy most about working at Dukes?
I had wanted to work at the Duke’s ever since I arrived in Brighton. There’s something ineffable about the building, the history and the kinds of people attracted to working here. The Duke’s is a special place to work because of its community values and camaraderie between staff. We’re also a cinema that encourages creativity from our Front of House, so there is often something beyond the norm going on around a screening, from decorating the cinema to dressing up.
Both Dukes of Yorks and Dukes at Komedia are based in central Brighton – do you enjoy working in Brighton and all the creativity that there is to explore just outside your doorstep?
As a city know for its artistic scene, Brighton is an ideal place for arts venues like ours. Some of our annual highlights include the Brighton Festival and CineCity festival, where we team up with some of the city’s cultural stalwarts to present innovative and exciting cinema. I think Brighton audiences are curious and adventurous, which means they’re often open to trying something out of the ordinary.
I’m particularly looking forward to our upcoming season of screenings in collaboration with Brighton Festival, which celebrate the radical spirit of the late 60s. The season pairs classics of British cinema from 1968 with a film from another era that shares its aesthetic, featuring Lindsay Anderson’s If…., Ben Wheatley’s A Field In England, and more!
Thank you for choosing to support The Fairy Tale Fair at Brighton Open Market this May as part of Brighton Fringe Festival. Are you looking forward to the fair on Saturday May 12th?
From what we’ve heard, The Fairy Tale Fair sounds like a fantastic festive initiative. We will certainly be popping along keeping an eye open for any handmade gifts.
Do you have a motto or inspirational quote?
We have had two quotes associated with our building. The first comes from the 1930s and was the slogan of our Manager at the time, “Take her to the Duke’s, it’s fit for a Duchess”. The second was a phrase that used to be etched on our facade: “The mirror of life both grave and gay, the world at work, the world at play.”
How can we find out more about Dukes of Yorks and Dukes at Komedia?