Today we welcome back Joanne of The Bunting Basket who will join us once again this Sunday at Worthing Charmandean. Find out more…
Please introduce your self and your brand….
Hello, my name is Joanne Ray and I am the owner of The Bunting Basket a business dedicated to producing and selling the highest quality handmade bunting. As with so many start-up businesses it began in quite a haphazard way, I made a string of bunting to decorate a church hall for the christening party for my grandson Archie. People who were there asked me to make some bunting for them: The Bunting Basket was born.
How would you describe your style and your creations?
My bunting is always hand-produced to the highest quality as this is one way I can differentiate my offering. Fabric quality and design is also key as I am constantly updating my product range to reflect the latest fabric and colour. In this way it is almost like a fashion business with a seasonal emphasis. At Christmas I sell a number of unique designs perfect for an original Christmas decoration or as an inexpensive gift.
What do you enjoy most about your work?
I love going to events and meeting my customers face-to-face. People liking your work and complimenting it makes all the hours making bunting worthwhile.
What can we expect to find on your stall at So This is Christmas in aid of St Barnabas on Sunday 3rd December? And are you looking forward to taking part?
My stall will be a colourful display of bunting hanging or in the original basket where you can rummage around to find the design that is perfect for you. I will be happily helping customers by holding up designs to show them off fully.
I can’t think of a better way of spending a Sunday in December
Do you have a best seller?
My best seller I call BB Mini’s. As the name suggests these are mini pennants about half the size of normal bunting. A string consists of fourteen double-sided pennants and is approximately two meters long. The cutting is very precise to show off the key feature of the fabric. They are really cute and the size means that they can be displayed in smaller areas like windows or fireplaces. Come and see for yourself; you’ll love them.
Do you have any plans or ambitions for the future?
Personalisation will allow me to produce a unique string for every customer and I will use this to provide packages for weddings through wedding fairs. Strings showing bride and grooms name will provide a memory for life; and the rest of the room can be decorated for that special day.
Do you have a motto or inspirational quote?
“It always seems impossible until its done”
– Nelson Mandela
Describe your Christmas in 3 words….
Sew, Sell and Celebrate.
How can we find out more about you?