Today we meet Shirley-Anne of Racing Owls who joins us for the first time this Sunday 4th December at Worthing Charmandean. Find out more about her….
Please introduce yourself and your brand….
Hello, my name is Shirley-Anne Norton and my brand is Racing Owls.
The Racing Owls brand name was created during a family holiday after a visit to a fairground heritage museum. We noticed that the drivers in the old racing car paintings looked like owls with their big goggles. I am currently creating a range of racing owl felties for next year!
I have been sewing, painting and creating ever since I’ve been big enough to hold a paint brush and sewing needle, giving my creations away to friends and family for many years.
I returned to Art College aged 20 to study Graphic Design and Illustration, gaining a National Diploma in these subjects. Now after many (many!) year of creating I now feel I have something to share with the crafting world with my small business.
When I am not sewing and painting, I am also a professional face painter, an award winning body painter and an artist. Oh, and I work full time as an Administrator in a local Children’s Nursery too! I am married to an amazing man and we have a beautiful teenage daughter.
How would you describe your style and your creations?
I would describe my style as eclectic and colourful!
I have an ongoing love affair with felt and from this wonderful fabric I make art dolls, birdies, hearts, houses, and anything else that fires my imagination.
I also paint cards and canvases with Old School Sailor Tattoo inspired art. I have loved this style of artwork for as long as I can remember, the bold colours and shapes are wonderful to draw, along with the iconic font which I use on my cards.
What do you enjoy most about your work?
I love the process of having an idea and making it a reality… there is a real thrill in looking at a newly finished creation and reminding yourself that only a few hours ago, this beautiful object only existed in your imagination.
What can we expect to find on your stall at So This is Christmas at The Charmandean Worthing on Sunday 4th December? And are you looking forward to taking part?
On my stall I will have my felt art dolls, hanging felt birdies and hearts, pixie houses, painted wooden hearts and birdhouses, felt pictures, hand created/painted cards and painted canvases, a real mix of my two styles of work. I am really looking forward to taking part, this will be my first Fairytale Fair and I am very excited!
Do you have a best seller?
My hand painted cards are always popular, as are my hanging felt birdies. My felt art dolls are a new addition and I am hoping they will become just as sought after.
Do you have any plans or ambitions for the future?
I would love to be able to paint, sew and create full time, so I am going to start with an Etsy store and see where it takes me. I would also like to have my own crafting room at home… I know my family would be thrilled to have full use of our lounge back, especially after a ‘I’m just going to a make a little thing’ session that results in the room looking like a crafting tornado has gone through it!
Do you have a motto or inspirational quote?
Everything can be solved with glitter!
When in doubt, sew!
What part of Christmas do you enjoy the most?
Spending time with my family. When our daughter was little we introduced a new family tradition of Boxing Day being spent at home in our pj’s with buffet food on the table, playing with our new toys and I think this is my favourite day of the year.
How can we find out more about you?