Today we meet Ashley of Hear of Crafts who we look forward to having for the first time this Sunday 3rd December at Worthing Charmandean. Find out more about her and her brand…
Please introduce yourself and your brand
Hi, I’m Ashley and my brand is ‘Heart of Crafts,’ I make clothes, accessories and I love up-cycling furniture. I started ‘Heart of Crafts’ in September 2016. I had been making lots of different things as a hobby, during this time the number of friends asking me where I got these items from sky-rocketed. I gave the business a name, but at this point it was more about creating a way of friends requesting makes. I’d learnt to knit about 3 years previous, as a way of exploring other mediums and stress relief during my design degree. Inevitably, like most creative people, I got excited by lots of mediums (especially up-cycling furniture) and so I named the brand after my passion for all crafts.
How would you describe your style and your creations?
With my knitted products, I didn’t want them to look old fashioned and granny-ish. I have created items that are fashionable and edgy. I want to make items that would not look out of place on a punk, or a stylish office worker… or for that matter a stylish office working punk.
What do you enjoy most about your work?
It is so easy to look like everyone else nowadays, I love spending evening and weekends creating new things or thinking of original ways to work with old mediums. I love seeing someone walking through the Laines, or Worthing town wearing one of my pieces and looking great. Most of all I love watching something appear from nothing, it feels magical.
What can we expect to find on your stall at So This is Christmas in aid of St Barnabas on Sunday 3rd December?
I have made lots of things for Christmas and I will be bringing along some winter warmers, which can be given as gifts to stay cosy this winter
And are you looking forward to taking part? The Fairy tale fair is one of my favourite Christmas fairs, so I cannot wait to attend.
Do you have a best seller?
Look out for my ‘Pom Pom Necklace’ and ‘Knitted Collar,’ everyone loves them and they are perfect for winter, who wouldn’t want a statement necklace that also acts as a neck warmer? If you need more warmth than that… Our ‘Snoods’ fly off the shelves and go with any type of outfit – they have a certain Scandinavian chic, if I do say so myself.
Do you have any plans or ambitions for the future?
I am about to have a baby and have been making a few things for the little one, so perhaps I might branch out to baby/toddler clothing for a while. I’ve got this brilliant furniture idea as well, but I can’t say any more. I’ll also be growing my photography business in the New Year. I’ve been a wedding photographer since leaving University, but life and work have been getting in the way since my own wedding and pregnancy.
Check out this baby sleeping bag
Do you have a motto or inspirational quote?
“Everything’s possible if you wish hard enough” – Well, that’s what Peter Pan reckoned anyway!
Describe your Christmas in 3 words…
Fairy lights
How can we find out more about you?
Check out my Etsy page here:
I am also on Instagram:
And I am also on Facebook:
For wedding photography (though I’ve not a lot of work up anymore):