Hi, I am Bex, from Animagical! I make and hand paint jewellery, using Shrink plastic.
My designs are based on my prints and illustrations which are heavily influenced on Animals and the natural world! Animals have lovely characters and personalities and I think we can look and feel great when wearing a body adornment inspired by nature!
Tell us a bit about your creations and how you make them….
Each earring, brooch and necklace is hand cut, heated and painted with love, and every single piece is one of a kind due to the nature of it’s creation. It’s amazing to be able to afford a unique piece of art and wear it for the world knowing even if someone buys the same thing, it will never be truly the same!
How long have you been making your creations?
Just over a year.
Do you have a best seller or most popular item?
The guinea pigs seem to be the most loved but the puffins are coming a close second. Two animals I was very surprised out.
What do you enjoy most about your craft/ work?
I can zone out and relax.
Will you be selling some festive themed creations at The Fairy Tale Fair?
I definitely have a few robins, baby penguins and baby reindeer earrings. The baby reindeers have been particularly popular so far!
What are your plans or ambitions for the future, or have you already achieved them?
I have started doing custom orders which I really enjoy. You would be surprised how different black & white cats can be! I would like to be able to do more custom orders and illustrations. It makes me feel like a proper artist. I would also like to do some pop up shops and get my work into actual shops!
Describe what Christmas means to you in 5 words or less!:
Food, family, dreams, relax, change
How can we find out more about you?
Instagram: bexillustration