Today we speak to Lynne of Definately-Different, who we look forward to welcoming back once again to Patcham on Novmber 21st….
I have always liked adding my own personalised touches to clothes to make them individual even the simplest things can transform an item.
I like the fact that when I make something using vintage jewellery it will be totally unique. I started off Definitely-Different with wedding creations such as tiaras, bridal cuffs etc but realised that this is a specialist market so I have now diversified a bit and am concentrating on more general jewellery. For example tiaras don’t have to be just for weddings they can be for proms, festivals and other special occasions and with the effect that Downton and the Great Gatsby has on the fashion industry I also make vintage headbands from simple to burlesque! I also make vintage inspired jewellery so that I hope there is something for everyone.
I have been creating for just over 3 years.
My best seller last year had to be shoe clips which totally transforms the plainest of shoes and can be worn at the front, side or back of the shoes.
My best seller at the Fairy Tale Fair last year was my handmade fimo flower and Swarovski crystal rings
The thing I enjoy most about my work is being creative and making something totally unique.
I am looking forward to the Fairy Tale Fair on the November 21st and will have some lovely Christmas gifts.
My ambition for the future would be to make this hobby into a full time career and you can now find me at “The Craft Tea Gift Shop” in Warwick Street, Worthing. This shop supports other small businesses, independent charities & local community projects.
You can find out more about me on my website: and facebook
20% of Definitely-Different’s stall takings on the day are going to The Loui Legend fund. Loui made his shocking arrival into the world on the 8th February 2015 at 12:48am weighing 7lb14.5. Undiagnosed throughout the pregnancy, there had been a completely random mutation of a gene at conception which unfortunately caused Loui to be born with a condition called Treacher-Collins Syndrome. The chances of this are 1 in 50,000. You can find out more here:
Local pub Ladies Mile Pub are also raising funds, so pop in and don’t forget to donate what you can.