Please introduce yourself and your brand….
Hello, my name is Georgina and my brand is Dear diary vintage. Dear diary vintage is about remembering and unashamedly celebrating that 12 year old girl (or boy!) that lives within us all. The same girl who used to start each page of her diary entry using her best handwriting and fountain pen with Dear diary…
Here at Dear diary vintage we are proud of having a ‘Peter Pan complex’, after all what’s so great about growing up?
How would you describe your style and your creations?
I work mainly with wood, glitter, vintage illustrations and my Dymo machine creating jewellery and reminiscing about bygone days. My work is loved by children, teenagers and adults who simply refuse to give into growing up! Join me in a fairy tale land where there is always glitter, unicorns, dinosaurs roam freely, cat ladies are celebrated and typewriters are still used.
What do you enjoy most about your work?
For me it is meeting my customers. Hands down nothing else compares! I absolutely love seeing them wearing my creations and seeing their faces light up when they spot the perfect brooch from my stall for themselves or as a present for someone else.
What can we expect to find on your stall at So This is Christmas Worthing on Sunday 1st December? And are you looking forward to taking part?
I can’t wait to take part. Fairy Tale events for me are the highlight of my year. I will be selling some special lines I have been working on with Fairy Tale in mind. I have a new collection of ‘Save the Bees’ brooches and some very kitsch Santa brooches. After all he is the iconic face of Christmas and the one that delivers the presents so he ought to be adorned on your lapel!
Do you have a best seller?
It is still my Alice in Wonderland range it’s just timeless.
Do you have any plans or ambitions for the future?
I want to continue you what I’m doing and work on creating more designs!Watch this space!
Do you have a motto or inspirational quote?
‘Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.’ Oscar Wilde
Describe your Christmas in 3 words…
Family….Chocolate…Board Games…Ok so technically that is 4 ekkk!
How can we find out more about you?
The best way to find out more about me is to come and visit me and my stand I’m super friendly so pop over and say hello! But for bespoke orders and enquiries email