We are excited to welcome back a Fairy Tale Fair regular, Ilona Drew and her fabulous illustrated greeting cards! After recently exhibiting at Progresive Greetings live in London she has had great feedback and success on her designs, but she has still made time to fit out fair in! Find out more…
“I enjoy the freedom to create what I want and then get amazing feedback.”– Ilona, I Drew This
Tell us a bit about you and what you do/ make….
I design and illustrate greeting cards. I have now designed for the high street for 10 years and am currently concentrating on my card work although many other exciting projects in the pipe line.
How would you describe your style?
Uplifting and happy!
How long have you been making your craft items?
I have been working on my cards for just over a year.
Do you have a best seller? If so what is it?
certain designs are coming up as most popular, my umami heart, little tweets balloons and my mischief dino boy!
What do you enjoy most about your craft?
The freedom to create what I want and then get amazing feedback.
Do you take part in other craft events (fairs, open houses, markets etc…)?
I have just got back from my first trade show PG Live in London which was a huge success.
What are your plans/ ambitions for the future? Or have you already achieved them?
I have so many, to expand my card range and work on lots more exciting projects designing many other items/maybe a book. I have made whales in the past and there are some more of these on the way too.
You have previously taken part in The Fairy Tale Fair. Did you enjoy the day?
I have been lucky enough to have taken part in 3 Fairy Tale fairs now and I just love them, claire works her A** off doing tons of fab promoting and there is always a great buzz.
Find out more about Ilona:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ilonadrewthis
Blog: www.ilonadrewthis.blogspot.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ilonadrewthis